An Update About Pre-orders

If you placed your order for Endless 80 or Endless 90 frames after July 11th, or for Endless 100 frames after August 14th, then you were in our pre-order queue for Run 3.  As of 11/16/20 we are shipping new orders with normal lead times.  See below for the full details.

Update - 11/16/20

All frames are in stock and shipping with normal lead times.

Update - 11/12/20

Endless 100 frames have arrived and we have started shipping out those pre-orders.  As of this update we nearly caught up on all the Run 3 pre-orders.  We expect to be fully caught up by mid-next week.  All new orders will ship with an estimated 3-5 day lead time.  Going forward we intend to always have all products in stock to meet the incredible demand we have been experiencing.

Update - 11/9/20

As promised, our vendor shipped Endless 100 frames to us on 11/6.  As of this morning they have cleared U.S. Customs and are on their way to our local DHL hub.  Delivery is expected tomorrow.  We hope to begin shipping the oldest Endless 100 orders by the end of the week.  Also the Endless 90 frames we were expecting were received at the end of last week; we have begun using that stock to ship out orders in the queue.  If you have placed a new order in the last 2-3 weeks, please understand that there are still many pre-orders in front of you that need to ship out first.  Thanks for your patience!

Update - 11/2/20

We have have successfully received three shipments of Endless 80 frames and have begun fulfilling orders for those parts.  We have tracking information for two shipments of Endless 90 frames.  They have cleared customs in Hong Kong and are on their way to the Los Angles gateway for U.S. processing.  We expected to receive them by Thursday 11/5.  Our vendor has indicated that Endless 100 frames will begin shipping out to us by 11/9.

Update - 10/24/20

Three separate shipments of frames have been confirmed, with more confirmations expected in the following week.  The first one contains some Endless 80 and 90 frames and has cleared U.S. Customs.  We expect to receive it by the end of next week.  Another two shipments containing Endless 80 frames have been prepared to leave China by Monday.  In a few days we expect to receive an update on additional shipments of Endless 90 and 100 frames.  What has been shipped to us so far represents only partial shipments for Run 3.  Due to recent changes to customs inspection/processing protocols in China, it is necessary to split up and stagger shipments so that they are not delayed by the Chinese government.  We are working closely with our vendor to get parts shipped out of China as expeditiously as possible.  Please be aware that once parts start arriving here it will take us time to inspect, assemble, and box orders.  Due to the staggered shipments that will be arriving, orders will ship in the order in which they were placed based on the parts we have on hand.  In other words, if we receive a shipment with only Endless 80 frames, then we will fulfill as many Endless 80 orders as we can from that shipment.  If an order contains multiple frame sizes then it will be put on hold until we can ship the whole order.  

For those about to place new orders: the order queue is quite long so please understand that your order will only be fulfilled after all existing orders get shipped first.

Update - 10/15/20

Our primary vendor has indicated they will be shipping a very large run of frames to us by the end of the month for Run 3.  This run includes Endless 80, Endless 90, and Endless 100 frames.  As soon as that shipment is sent and we receive tracking we will post another update with an expected arrival date.  A separate batch of Endless 80 and 90 frames is scheduled to be delivered to us by 10/27/20.  We have a shipping confirmation on that shipment.

Update - 9/9/20

Thank you to all our customers who placed 2nd run pre-orders with us.  It was quite a ride.  We are happy to report that we have shipped the outstanding balance of 2nd run orders to customers who ordered through our website.  Our manufacturing partner reports that we are on track for the 3rd run scheduled to be delivered to us by the end of October.  When we have a more definitive date we will report it here.

Update - 8/28/20

We have received word that 86% of our outstanding production run will be shipping to us on Monday 8/31.  The DHL Express gods have been smiling upon us lately and transit time including customs processing has been taking 4 days.  So we expect to start shipping open orders within a couple days of receiving the inventory.  The remaining 14% will be be shipped in 1-2 weeks after anodize and laser marking complete.  This final outstanding balance consists of mostly silver Endless 80's (of which we ordered extra) and black Endless 100's.

Update - 8/10/20

All Endless 80's and 90's from the first part of the shipment have been fulfilled.  A handful of Endless 100's are expected to ship out today.  We are now awaiting the second half of the shipment to fulfill the rest of the Run 2 pre-orders.  If you have not received a shipping confirmation email by the end of today then it means your order will be fulfilled from the second shipment we are expecting to receive in about 7-9 days.  

Update - 8/5/20

We began shipping orders from the first part of the shipment.

Update - 8/3/20

The first shipment (1 of 2) for Run 2 has cleared customs and is being delivered to our warehouse today.  We expect to start shipping orders over the next 2-4 days.

Update - 7/29/20

2nd Run (July/August) Status:

I was informed last night by our manufacturing partner that ~45% of the run has completed production. The parts have been inspected, packaged in shipping cartons, and are being shipped to California within the next 24 hours. I have opted for Express shipping so that I can receive these frame ASAP once they clear customs. My best guess is that transit and customs processing time could take anywhere from 4-10 business days assuming everything goes smoothly. Once we receive the parts at our warehouse we will inspect them, box them, and start fulfilling orders. I estimate it will take us 3-5 days to do this.

The remaining ~55% of the run is expected to ship to us 10-12 days after the first batch. As soon as we have confirmation the balance has shipped then we will post another update on our website and social media.

We greatly appreciate your patience in advance as we work through the large number of open orders. When your order ships you will receive an automated confirmation email with the tracking information. If your order doesn't get fulfilled from the first half we receive, then please know it will be fulfilled from the second half we receive a couple weeks later. As you can imagine it's difficult to predict on which specific day any given order will ship so please know we will get things shipped as quickly as humanly possible. 

3rd Run (October) Status:

If your order will be part of the 3rd run, let me extend a very sincere thank you for believing in what we are doing and going the distance with us. We greatly appreciate it! The reason the lead time is significant is two-fold: 1) the pandemic has caused a lot of manufacturers to reduce operational capacity, and 2) we have placed an order for much higher quantities than the previous one. As of last night, we officially placed an order for over 500 frame sets with our vendor. They have quoted us an 8-9 week lead time for production. We are also in the process of getting 10,000 axles on order. 

Status - 7/20/20

As of 7/20/20 we are still awaiting arrival of all frames from our vendor, as well as axles for half of the run.  None of the open pre-orders have shipped to any customers yet.  The last reported status was that our vendor was finishing up laser marking, the final step in the manufacturing process.  Once these shipments are sent to our warehouse by our manufacturing partner, we will then inspect all the frames and package them for fulfillment.  Please understand that the current COVID-19 situation has been causing reduced manufacturing capacity in many countries like China and the U.S., and causing delays with shipping transit and customs processing times.

When your order is fulfilled you will receive an automated shipping confirmation (via email or SMS text message) with the tracking number.  If you have not received a shipping confirmation then it means your order has not shipped.  You can always check the status of your order by clicking the "View your order" button in your original order confirmation.  This will always give you the latest status on your order.  If you email us about your order status we will point you to your order status page.

* 7/21/20 10:45 am - Note: There seems to be a little bit of confusion due to the way our e-commerce store is showing the product names on customer account pages.  On July 11th we edited product names to have "October" in the title to alert customers to the estimated arrival date.  However, this seems to be erroneously showing on account order history pages for older orders. If you placed an order prior to July 11th then you are in the 2nd run and you should disregard the error on the account page; refer to the links in your order confirmation emails to properly verify order status.

* 7/21/20 1:37 pm - These errors have been fixed.

I know we are all anxious and excited to receive these frame.  However, a little bit of patience is required by all of us to allow sufficient time to receive, inspect, and package this pending batch of frames.  The current global pandemic makes it very difficult to pin down exact arrival dates with 100% certainty.  Based on the latest information we have, our current estimate is that frames will arrive to us sometime between July 24th and August 5th.  We apologize in advance for any delays and thus any inconvenience this may cause.  We will do our best to ship your order as soon as humanly possible — there is quite a long pre-order queue so please bear with us as we get all the orders processed.  It's important to note that once the frames arrive in our warehouse every open pre-order will not ship on the same day.  It does take some time to assemble and process each order.  This is the additional processing time we refer to on the product pages.

If there are any significant updates I will update this post with the new information.

If you would like to change or cancel your order, or have any questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out. I greatly appreciate your support and patience while we finish making these frames for you.  We are on the home stretch!


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