Blading Blog

We're nominated for the 2020 Best of Blading Awards

We're nominated for the 2020 Best of Blading Aw...

We’ve been nominated for Big Wheel Blading’s 2020 Best of Blading Awards in the Frame Brand of the Year, Best New Company Formed in 2020, and Most Innovative Product of...

We're nominated for the 2020 Best of Blading Aw...

We’ve been nominated for Big Wheel Blading’s 2020 Best of Blading Awards in the Frame Brand of the Year, Best New Company Formed in 2020, and Most Innovative Product of...

An Update About Pre-orders

Thank you to all our customers who placed 2nd run pre-orders with us.  It was quite a ride.  We are happy to report that we have shipped the outstanding balance of...

An Update About Pre-orders

Thank you to all our customers who placed 2nd run pre-orders with us.  It was quite a ride.  We are happy to report that we have shipped the outstanding balance of...

How to Make a Kicker Ramp

My early days of skating were spent launching off a ramp just like this.  Thanks to our friend, Jon, at Rollerbalding we are able to share these plans with you.  Have...

How to Make a Kicker Ramp

My early days of skating were spent launching off a ramp just like this.  Thanks to our friend, Jon, at Rollerbalding we are able to share these plans with you.  Have...

The Geometry of Inline Skate Rocker Designs

In some internet circles there exists the idea of a "3rd wheel down" rocker or "V-shaped" assymetric rocker where the 3rd wheel is the lowest, the 2nd and 4th wheels are raised...

The Geometry of Inline Skate Rocker Designs

In some internet circles there exists the idea of a "3rd wheel down" rocker or "V-shaped" assymetric rocker where the 3rd wheel is the lowest, the 2nd and 4th wheels are raised...